Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's Like Stalker Greg All Over Again

If you bring home a boy from the bar, a cute boy- mind you and he sleeps over, what is the acceptable time when he should leave?  I'd normally say before the effing sun rises, but trying to be a better person, I'll give you until 10 a.m. on a weekend.  Don't lay in bed and make small talk, get the heck out of there!  Especially if I go into my roommates' rooms to raaaaant loudly about how I want you to leave, how I want to go shopping and to the beach, and you can hear.  Don't fall back asleep.  


Attempting to stay past 12noon makes me want to drop kick you out of my bed and never invite you over again, EVEN if I though you were cute and decent in the sack.  

Got it?

Let us refresh back to Summer 2006 when "Stalker Greg" tried to stay over and he got the "There's a dollar twenty-five on my dresser and the T starts at 5a.m, get on it."